Friday, November 21, 2008


My husband has left for his 2 week trip abroad. Miss him terribly…started to think about what I really am. Some part of who I am is defined by my relationships with people around me…but if I remove all these relationships, would I still be?? I will….these relationships help to add various dimensions to me and give many colours to my personality…. I am a mother, a wife, a friend, a sister, a devotee, customer, a woman, an employer, a teacher, a student….
This means I have to be like a transparent sheet through which any colour can flow at any instant, depending on the need of the moment… open to all possibilities. Who knows what or who I can become??!! This is terribly exciting…
Is this what He is?? Free from all the relationships yet fully part of them.. is this what inter-dependence is? And what independence is?


In Search Of Myself said...

This just reminded me about one late night discussions while roaming about in Ashram with Momo that bhaiya is completely dispassionate and the same time 100% involved with whatever he is that Swan Guruji talked about..

May not have any resemblance to the theme of the post...and may make you (day?!)dream about him even more...;)

~ Ashwani...

Apu said...

Amazing! the way you write Didi!
Please start writing again!

Priyanka said...
